Monday, October 4, 2010

Breaking News: Austin To Return in the EXPENDABLES 2??? + Spoiler (Sorry!)!!!


According to several reports, Austin will be in Sly's Expendables sequel (hmmmm, really?)!!!

The Expendables was such a smash hit that Sylvester Stallone is already planning Expendables 2. This time around we’re certain to get a lot more of Bruce Willis than just a cameo, and he seems excited to become a full time member of the group. So excited that Bruce spent the weekend talking up the possible sequel while out promoting his new movie Red. When Coming Soon asked him for Expendables 2 details Willis said, “I talked to Sly and he's going for all the marbles this time, and he's going to get everybody in this time.” Exactly who “everybody” is remains to be seen but Stallone’s been vocal about wanting to get more of Schwarzenegger and he’d probably like to get Seagal and Van Damme involved too. They turned him down on the first film.

Apparently everybody even means people who were in the first film, but didn’t make it to the end credits in one piece. Yep, Stone Cold Steve Austin will be back for more. In the first film Stone Cold Steve Austin played one of the bad guys fighting against Stallone and his motley cadre of action movie icons. Up against such an unstoppable force, Austin was of course, doomed to lose. He took two bullets in the process of trying to stop the good guys, but Bruce Willis says that bullets aren’t an obstacle and Stone Cold will be back too, assuming they “start shooting it while we're young enough to survive.” Everyone knows real men can’t be killed by gunfire.

Austin kinda hinted around to a fan who gave their thoughts on his "doom" in the film. he could have just been messing around though:

I could have swore he got burnt up in the film (Oops! Spoiler!). So now, he got shot... Maybe I missed something... Eh... Hollywood. But I will have to wait and see if it's true or not. The article just doesn't make any sense to me. Oh well, stay tuned...

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